Alpelisib Linked to Higher Diabetic Ketoacidosis Risk in Breast Cancer Patients

Alpelisib, a drug used with another medication called fulvestrant to treat a specific type of advanced breast cancer targets a part of the cancer cells, helping to slow down or stop their growth.

However, a notable side effect observed in a significant number of patients is high blood sugar levels, and in some cases, this condition has escalated to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a serious and potentially life-threatening complication.

DKA is characterized by very high blood sugar, acid build-up in the blood, and the presence of ketones. The study aimed to analyze how often and severely DKA occurs in patients taking alpelisib by examining reports of side effects and reviewing scientific articles.

The researchers used a database of reported side effects called the FAERS, focusing on reports from 2019 to 2022, and looked into published case studies. They found a clear link between taking alpelisib and an increased risk of DKA, with the analysis showing that patients on alpelisib had a much higher chance of developing DKA compared to those not on the medication.

The findings indicated that DKA usually happened within two weeks of starting the treatment.

The conclusion drawn from the study is that there’s a significant risk associated with alpelisib regarding developing high blood sugar and DKA.

It’s crucial for patients starting on alpelisib to be closely watched for signs of these conditions. The study suggests that adjusting treatments for those already at risk of high blood sugar could help manage this side effect. More research is needed to figure out the best way to prevent these serious side effects in patients taking alpelisib.

The medication is effective in treating certain breast cancers, but managing its side effects, especially the risk of severe high blood sugar and DKA, is essential for patient safety, the study authors explain.

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